Saturday, August 13, 2011

First Post

Yeah, this is the standard, "Hey everybody, I'm posting now" post. It's not my very first post for those of you who were already following me but this is the first one that counts. The first one that isn't pre-teenage-people-really-care-what-I-think. Those ones were embarrassing and stupid so I deleted them.

I don't even know why I'm posting now. It's not like anyone cares what I'm saying. If anyone happened upon this post I don't think they'd feel some deep connection with me. They wouldn't think, "Where has this girl been all my life??" Yeah right. And anyone who follows me probably doesn't care. If they read this at all they might be slightly amused. Over what, I don't know. I'm not really trying to be funny.

I wish that I had no followers or that all my followers were strangers. Because then I could really say anything. I wouldn't have to worry about people's feelings getting hurt or someone getting angry. That's really why people have blogs, isn't it? They want to share their thoughts with the world without any repercussions.

Oh well, feel free not to comment. I know you won't
